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10:49 a.m. - 04/19/2016
I told him
So last entry 8 16 15 well around 10 15 15 or so I f ed up and let Jesse know where I lived .I couldn't handle doing this alone I was only wanting the best for her. I had so hoped after being without us for 10 months he had got some things done for his self like a place to live that was a jike! This fool don't think he needs a place to not exactly sure where he had been living for all that time. But he sure made a quick move on my place. Excuses and lies and pity and game was all in him.all of a sudden he had so much love for JESSA and me to for that matter now that I had a place he just acted like we were something he made it like it was our plan and things had came together he didn't ask he just took over. Gosh I really FUKED it up for me .he was so using me



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