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9:55 p.m. - 03/19/2018
Gods plan
So guess what today i didnt spend alot of time thinking about jesse i didnt spend tine wonderering what he doing or where hes at! i didnt think about texting him and telling him anything he didnt consume my every thought well he did a little i spent alot of time googling what his charges were last night and today. i spent time trying to figure out how much dope he had. I was also looking up what his possible sentence could be if they convict him of the charge its 2 to 20 years in prison there are alot of factors the judge will look at before they sentence him if he has a really good lawyer they can get him off. or if he pleads or makes a deal they could get him sentenced faster. This isnt his first rodeo tho. He already knows this game he knows what he is looking at already his family didnt say nothing about him maybe going to prison but i wish i knew when his mom bailed him out. And how? And if he got a new charge or did they go to his job and arrest him again after he didnt show up for court. His bail is sit at 10 tousand so im alil confused by what happened well anyways i also spent time looking him up and screen shotting his pix so here the deal i been praying for god to keep me safe from him i prayed that he would heal me from this feeling that i feel broken. heal my mind and my heart and my soul i also asked him to please let me know im doing right by jessa by following the orders. I prayed jesse gets got help or that he would man up i even had jessa at the alter sun morning praying for her daddy.... I was on line jumping back and forth thinking this was karma then i would think no god answered my prayers then i say maybe it was karma then i said no he answered my prayers back and forth back and forth but know im 10000 percent sure god answered my prayers no doubt in my mind it was nothing to do with karma god had/has a plan and tho i do not know his plan. It will happen on his time and gods will WILL BE DONE god really is there he hears everything the all knowing powerful god it wasnt the sign i expected. I never prayed that he would catch a drug charge i never asked god to do any thing bad but god did do what i had been praying for i have to give him all the glory i have to acknowledge this no matter howvmuch time he stays in there theres a reason theres is a plan for jesse his path is already set i cant undo that everything is coming together just as god planned.amen



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