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10:21 a.m. - 03/23/2018
Lunch with Jess
Going to eat lunch with jessa today im surprizing her. She will be so excited. Been having a rough week dont know why anyways started my period lasr night the cramps are unbelievable ug im in so much pain right now im sitting in the office waiting for lunch to start the really frown upon you coming up here to eat lunch with your child when alyx was in elementry they encourage it now i feel like im not welcome here but whatever i forgot yesterday i had a altercation witth this dude in the parking lot of my apartment cuz he said something about i needed to hold jessas hand so she didn't get git by a car it pissed me off almost got my ass kicked and now im sitting in the office with the lady who saw it and yesterday she told me i should not act that way in front of jessa

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